Construction Guidelines for Universal Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometer Kit

Version 1.00 (25-Jan-2021)

Copyright © 1994-2021
Sam Goldwasser
--- All Rights Reserved ---

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These guidelines apply to the Universal SFPI kit, which include parts to construct most of the other spherical mirror SFPIs for YOR (Red-Orange-Yellow) wavelengths. Specifically, it has the complete set of parts for the 1.75 GHz "Deluxe SFPI YOR 590-650 nm SFPI" and additional parts to construct a variety of YOR high resolution SFPIs. At a minimum, the following are included:

Detailed construction guidelines for each of the specific SFPIs may be found in the manuals for the Deluxe Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometer Kit (also known as SFPI Kit 2) and Long and High Resolution Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometer Kits.

If you're new to SFPIs, I would recommend starting with the set of parts for the Deluxe Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometer Kit as that will definitely be several orders of magnitude simpler to construct and align than one with a cavity length of half a meter. After that, perhaps one with a cavity length of 11.54" (29.3 cm) using the 1 meter RoC mirrors, which can be built totally from parts not needed for the short Deluxe SFPI.

And while I don't recommend the Ultra-High Resolution SFPIs using the 60 cm RoC 99.99%+ ROY mirrors for anything other than bragging rights to the highest finesse on your block ;-), they, too, can be configured at either confocal or other cavity lengths for the 60 cm RoC mirrors.

For more on SFPIs, see the section: Scanning Fabry-Perot Interferometers of "Sam's Lsaer FAQ".