For contact info, please see the Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page.
Copyright © 1994-2021
Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is permitted if both of the
following conditions are satisfied:
1.This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
The following sections provide contact info and/or links to companies
specializing in service parts (as opposed to general electronics distributors).
For general electronic components like resistors and capacitors, most
electronics distributors will have a sufficient variety at reasonable
cost. Even Radio Shack can be considered in a pinch.
However, for modern electronic equipment repairs, places like Digikey,
Allied, and Newark do not have the a variety of Japanese semiconductors
like ICs and transistors or any components like flyback transformers or
degauss Posistors.
The companies below are good sources for consumer electronics replacement
parts, especially for VCRs, TVs, and other audio and video equipment.
For equipment specific parts suppliers, see the individual repair guides.
I have used those in the first section personally.
In general, I have been quite satisfied with their quality and reliability.
I do not have personal experience with the others but in general, they
get listed here as a result of a recommendations from satisfied customers
via email or on the USENET newsgroup
VCR parts, Japanese semiconductors, tools, test equipment, audio, consumer
electronics including microwave oven parts and electric range elements, etc.
They specialize in microwave oven parts, but also carry some other major
appliance parts.
JC Penney, JVC, Kenwood, Maganvox, Service parts for: Fisher, GE, Hitachi,
Panasonic, Philco, Philips, Quasar, RCA, Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, Sylvania,
Technics, Zenith.
All Rights Reserved
2.There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.
Some of the contact information and summary of products may be out of date
as I don't place orders that often. In general, the range of offerings
increases with time so it is best to check with the company's Web site and/or
request a catalog. However, I won't be responsible if you miss an opportunity
to buy your favorite horizontal output transistor because the listing below
didn't include HOTs as a line item! Corrections are welcome. All these
Web sites were active as of Fall, 2006. That's all I'll guarantee! :)
Scope of This Document
Note: This document replaces the individual sections in each of major repair
Service Parts Suppliers I (Sam) Have Used
U.S. Voice: 1-800-543-4330
U.S. Fax: 1-513-434-6959
Other Service Parts Suppliers
These companies have been recommended but I do not have personal experience
with them.
The following are good sources for consumer electronics replacement parts,
especially for VCRs, TVs, and other audio and video equipment. Catalogs
are a must. (The first 4 I have used and have been satisfied with service
and selection. The others have been recommended by others.)
Includes many popular CD pickups at reasonable prices.
Service parts inventory includes hard-to-find items: Teac reel-to-reel replacement heads, B/W speaker drivers, Sony custom IC chips, etc. They have a wide range of new old stock parts many of which are no longer available from the manufacturer.
Also see the document: "Troubleshooting of Consumer Electronic Equipment" for additional parts sources as well as the equipment specific supplier lists at the end of each Repair Guide. The chapter: "Laser and Parts Sources" of "Sam's Laser FAQ" also includes extensive lists of new and surplus electronics supplies that may be useful.
-- end V1.06 --