Pinouts for Various Common Chips and Hybrids

Version 2.23d

Copyright © 1994-2024
Samuel M. Goldwasser
--- All Rights Reserved ---

For contact info, please see the
Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page.

Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is permitted if both of the following conditions are satisfied:
  1. This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
  2. There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.

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    Author and Copyright

    Author: Samuel M. Goldwasser

    For contact info, please see the Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Email Links Page.

    Copyright © 1994-2024
    All Rights Reserved

    Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is permitted if both of the following conditions are satisfied:

    1.This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
    2.There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.

    Device Pinouts Contributions

    This list was compiled from replies to postings on the USENET newsgroup: and will be updated as new requests come in. Contributions are welcome. Please email in a format similar to those listed below. If you provide additional comments, your name and email address will be listed as well.


    While every effort has been made to assure that the pinout information in this document is accurate, errors are possible and sometimes the databooks themselves are even in conflict.

    We will not be responsible for damage to equipment, your ego, blown parts, county wide power outages, spontaneously generated mini (or larger) black holes, planetary disruptions, or personal injury that may result from the use of this material.

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    Scope and Purpose of this Document

    This document provides pinouts for some of the common integrated circuits found in audio and video entertainment equipment like TVs, VCRs, and cassette decks and computer monitors. A good source for this information is the ECG Semiconductor Master Replacement Guide (or the SK/NTE or other similar databooks).

    Note: the companion document: VCR Power Supply Hybrid Regulators contains similar information for many of the common parts found in VCRs with linear power supplies.

    Much more info on most of these parts can be found on the Net via Chipdir and other semiconductor reference pages. See the links in Sam's Neat, Nifty, and Handy Bookmarks. Consumer electronics sites may have some of the hard-to-find datasheets. For example, for Sanyo datasheets (STK), more info can be found at:

    When to Suspect the One of These Chips?

    The following are valid reasons for investigating the health of one of these parts:

    Safe Troubleshooting

    WARNING: Read, understand, and follow the recommendations in the document: Safety Guidelines for High Voltage and/or Line Powered Equipment before attempting any repairs on equipment that operates directly from the wall outlet (not low voltage wall adapter).


    First identify a suitable ground for your multimeter. With the equipment unplugged, test for continuity between the ground pin of the chip or hybrid and the chassis or a metal shield. Don't use the part's ground pin as clipping anything to it increases the chance of an unfortunate short circuit.

    First, check for power to the Vcc or Vss (or whatever) pins. A large percentage of failures will be due to lack of power or incorrect voltages. The suspect device may or may not be at fault. In many cases, a fusable resistor has sacrificed itself possibly due to a short in the suspect part or elsewhere (or opened for no good reason).

    However, note that the 'typical Vcc' or other supply voltages listed in this document or the device's datasheet may not be what your equipment actually uses. Therefore, a voltage that is moderately different than the one listed for the device may be normal.

    Once good power is confirmed, test the inputs and outputs. Obviously, an oscilloscope is generally needed for these.

    Where multiple identical devices are present, substitution is usually an acceptable troubleshooting technique but there is some risk involved as faulty circuitry can blow your 'good' part.

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    Chips Starting with Numbers

    4N33 - ECG3083

    Opto isolator - Photo Darlington output.
    Pin 1: Anode
    Pin 2: Cathode
    Pin 3: N.C.
    Pin 4: Emitter
    Pin 5: Collector
    Pin 6: Base

    6N138 - ECG3093

    Optoisolater with split Darlington output.  Vcc = 18 V max., 8 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: NC
    Pin 2: LED Anode
    Pin 3: LED Cathode
    Pin 4: NC
    Pin 5: Gnd/Q2 Emitter
    Pin 6: Q2 Collector
    Pin 7: Q1 Emitter/Q2 Base
    Pin 8: Vcc/PD Anode/Q1 collector.


    Serial EEPROM.  512 x 8 or 256 x 16 bits.  8 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: CS chip select, active high
    Pin 2: CLK, serial clock, xfer on positive edge
    Pin 3: DI, data in
    Pin 4: DO, data out
    Pin 5: Vss (ground)
    Pin 6: ORG  (x8=vxx or x16=vcc)
    Pin 7: NU (not used?) or TEST
    Pin 8: Vcc 5 volts for C, other versions (LC) can runs +2 to +6v

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    AN6359 - NTE/ECG1812

    VCR Servo Interface.  Vcc - 5 V.  20 pin DIP.
    Pin 1:  Mode select B
    Pin 2:  Gnd
    Pin 3:  Mode select C
    Pin 4:  Mode select X 1/2
    Pin 5:  PAL/NTSC select
    Pin 6:  B optput
    Pin 7:  A output
    Pin 8:  Error input
    Pin 9:  Ref input
    Pin 10: Amp input
    Pin 11: Error output
    Pin 12: Rec/Play select
    Pin 13: Rec 2/4/6 H select
    Pin 14: Mem
    Pin 15: FG divide select
    Pin 16: PB ctrl input
    Pin 17: FG output
    Pin 18: Vcc (5V)
    Pin 19: FG input
    Pin 20: Mode select A

    AN5515 - ECG1684

    TV vertical deflection.  Vcc = 24 V typ.  7 pin SIP-HS.
    Pin 1: Ground
    Pin 2: Output
    Pin 3: Vcc for output
    Pin 4: Input
    Pin 5: Trigger pulse input
    Pin 6: Pulse amp out
    Pin 7: Vcc

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    Audio Level Sensor, used for a 'skip track' function, 9 pin SIP:
    Pin 1: Pulse Width
    Pin 2: Sense Timing
    Pin 3: Input
    Pin 4: NFB
    Pin 5: GND
    Pin 6: Muting
    Pin 7: Noise Filter
    Pin 8: Output
    Pin 9: Vcc (Min: 4.2V, Max: 12V)


    Pin 1: PB level adj
    Pin 2: PB output
    Pin 3: LP (eq switch)
    Pin 4: PB +input
    Pin 5: Bias filter
    Pin 6: Vcc
    Pin 7: Rec output
    Pin 8: Rec amp in
    Pin 9: Rec/EE control
    Pin 10: Mute control
    Pin 11: Line output
    Pin 12: Ground
    Pin 13: ALC level
    Pin 14: ALC off
    Pin 15: ALC att/recv
    Pin 16: Line amp in
    Pin 17: PB/EE control
    Pin 18: Line input

    BA6209 - ECG1716

    VCR Motor Driver with braking.  Vcc max = 18 V, I max = 1.2 A.
    Pin 1: GND 
    Pin 2: Vout 1
    Pin 3: Vz1
    Pin 4: Vreg
    Pin 5: Fin
    Pin 6: Rin
    Pin 7: Vcc1
    Pin 8: Vcc2
    Pin 9: Vz2
    Pin 10: Vout 2
    I would guess that you should be able to monitor Fin and Rin (forward
    and reverse, I would assume) and determine if the commands are correct.
    Vout 1 and 2 should probably be opposites of each other for forward (e.g.,
    +,0) and reverse (e.g., 0,+).  They would be the same for stop.
    I have no idea what the Vzs are or the Vreg.


    Pin 1: Ground
    Pin 2: Motor drive
    Pin 3: Motor drive
    Pin 4: Logic
    Pin 5: Logic
    Pin 6: Logic
    Pin 7: Vcc 12 V
    Pin 8: Voltage divide
    Pin 9: Voltage divide
    Pin 10: Motor return


    Audio power amp, single channel.
    Pin 1: NC
    Pin 2: Control Input
    Pin 3: Ground
    Pin 4: Output
    Pin 5: NC
    Pin 6: VCC
    Pin 7: Input 1
    Pin 8: Input 2

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    C to L


    Dual op-amp.
    Pin 1: Out 1
    Pin 2: -In 1
    Pin 3: +In 1
    Pin 4: -Vcc
    Pin 5: +In 2
    Pin 6: -In 2
    Pin 7: Out 2
    Pin 8: +Vcc


    Optoisolator, NPN phototransistor.
    Isolation voltage, Vmax = 5300 V, gain = 100, Vcemax = 80 V.
    Pin 1: LED K
    Pin 2: LED A
    Pin 4: Phototransistor E
    Pin 5: Phototransistor C
    Pin 6: Phototransistor B


    High voltage display driver for gas filled tubes.
    Pin 1: Current Prog. In
    Pin 2: A in
    Pin 3: B in
    Pin 4: C in
    Pin 5: D in
    Pin 6:
    Pin 7: comma in
    Pin 8: comma out
    Pin 9: GND
    Pin 10: out
    Pin 11: g out
    Pin 12: f out
    Pin 13: e out
    Pin 14: d out
    Pin 15: c out
    Pin 16: b out
    Pin 17: a out
    Pin 18: Vcc


    Speaker (or spike) protector/voltage/temp/overload IC.
    Pin 1: Relay driver
    Pin 2: GND
    Pin 3: Temp detect
    Pin 4: Audio sig. in
    Pin 5: AC detect
    Pin 6: Overload detect
    Pin 7: Bias
    Pin 8: Pos feedback

    (From: Anonymous.)

    The HA12002 is designed to be the core of a speaker protection circuit. If all of the inputs are in spec, it turns on a relay via pin 1 to connect the speakers to the amplifiers in a stereo audio system. There is an internal latch circuit to hold off the relay if a fault is detected. Power must be removed to reset the latch. Pin 8 uses an external RC time delay to hold off the speakers when the amplifier is first turned on. Typically the capacitor connected to this pin is charged through a voltage divider, and the components are selected for a time delay of 3 seconds.

    kA2206/LA4183 - ECG1667

    Dual AF PO, 2.3 W, 9 V (4.7 W bidge BTL).
    Pin 1: BTL out
    Pin 2: Out 2
    Pin 3: Bootstrap 2
    Pin 4,5: Pwr amp GND (tab)
    Pin 6: Neg feedback 2
    Pin 7: In 2
    Pin 8: Decoupling
    Pin 9: Preamp GND
    Pin 10: In 1
    Pin 11: Neg feedback 1
    Pin 12,13: Pwr amp GND (tab)
    Pin 14: Bootstrap 1
    Pin 15: Out 1
    Pin 16: Vcc

    L200C - ECG1942

    Positive adjustable voltage regulator.  Output: 3 to 36 V, 2 A.
    Pin 1: Input
    Pin 2: Limiting
    Pin 3: Ground
    Pin 4: Reference
    Pin 5: Output

    LA6324 - ECG987

    Quad op-amp.
    Pin 1: Out 1
    Pin 2: -In 1
    Pin 3: +In 1
    Pin 4: +V
    Pin 5: +In 2
    Pin 6: -In 2
    Pin 7: Out 2
    Pin 8: Out 3
    Pin 9: -In 3
    Pin 10: +In 3
    Pin 11: -V (or GND for some)
    Pin 12: +In 4
    Pin 13: -In 4
    Pin 14: Out 4

    LA7823 - ECG1647

    TV Horiz/Vert Osc/Driver/Sync Sep/AFC.  Vcc 12 V typ, 16 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: Flyback pulse in
    Pin 2: AFC Out
    Pin 3: Horiz Osc In
    Pin 4: Horiz Osc Out
    Pin 5: Holddown In
    Pin 6: Gnd
    Pin 7: Vert Drvr Out
    Pin 8: Vert Drvr In
    Pin 9: Vert Out Center Voltage
    Pin 10: Vert Osc
    Pin 11: Vert Osc
    Pin 12: Sync Sep Out
    Pin 13: Vcc - Vert
    Pin 14: Video In
    Pin 15: Blanking Out
    Pin 16: Vcc - Horiz

    LA7824 - NTE7123

    Sync Deflection Circuit for color TV.  Vcc = 12 V typ.  16 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: AFC Comparison Sawtooth Wave Input
    Pin 2: AFC Output
    Pin 3: Time Constant Circuit
    Pin 4: Horizontal Output
    Pin 5: Holddown Input
    Pin 6: Gnd
    Pin 7: Vertical Drive Output
    Pin 8: Vertical Drive Sawtooth WaveInput
    Pin 9: Vertical Output Middle Point Voltage
    Pin 10: Time Constant Circuit
    Pin 11: Vertical Trigger Output
    Pin 12: Horizontal, Vertical Sync Sep Output
    Pin 13: Vcc13 (Vertical)
    Pin 14: Video Signal Input(Positive)
    Pin 15: Composite Blanking Pulse Output
    Pin 16: Vcc16 (Horizontal)


    TV Vertical Deflection, typical Vcc = 24 V.
    Pin 1: NC
    Pin 2: NC
    Pin 3: GND
    Pin 4: Vertical output
    Pin 5: Vertical output stage Vcc
    Pin 6: Input
    Pin 7: Osc
    Pin 8: 24 V Vcc
    Pin 9: Pump up output
    Pin 10 NC

    LA7836 - SK10085

    TV vertical deflection, 13 pin SIP.
    Pin 1: +Vcc1
    Pin 2: Vert Trig In
    Pin 3: Vertical height control
    Pin 4: 50/60 Hz Vert size control signal input
    Pin 5: Ramp Waveform Generation
    Pin 6: AC/DC Feedback Input to Vertical Output Section
    Pin 7: Vcc7
    Pin 8: Pump Up Output
    Pin 9: Vertical Blocking
    Pin 10: Gnd
    Pin 11: Vertical Output
    Pin 12: Power Supply for Vert Out
    Pin 13: Ripple filter
    (From: Tuck, Ryan (

    I did a ton of research myself only to find that if you want to replace an LA7835, LA7835-TV, LA7836, LA7837, or LA7838, you are better off using the LA7838 for any of them or paying more for an ECG7104 or ECG7039 instead of crosswiring a SK10085 (which does work. Philips lists the LA7820 listed as being replaceable by an ECG7084 but I have seen it listed elsewhere as an ECG7840 or another transposition of those last three numbers I can't remember.

    LA7837 - ECG7104

    TV vertical deflection, 13 pin SIP.
    Pin 1: +Vcc1 = 12 V typical
    Pin 2: Vert Trig In
    Pin 3: Time constant
    Pin 4: Vertical amp control
    Pin 5: Vertical size control input
    Pin 6: Ramp waveform generation
    Pin 7: Vertical output FB
    Pin 8: Vcc8 - 24 V typical
    Pin 9: Pump up output
    Pin 10: Osc stop
    Pin 11: Gnd
    Pin 12: Vertical Output
    Pin 13: Power Supply for Vert Out
    (Also see note under LA7836 - SK10085.)

    LA7838 - ECG7039

    TV vertical deflection, Vcc1 = 12 V, Vcc8 = 24 V, 13 pin SIP.
    Pin 1: +Vcc1
    Pin 2: Vert trigger in
    Pin 3: Time constant
    Pin 4: Vertical amp control
    Pin 5: Vertical size control
    Pin 6: Ramp generator
    Pin 7: Vert output AC/DC feedback
    Pin 8: +Vcc8
    Pin 9: Pump-up out
    Pin 10: Osc stop
    Pin 11: Ground
    Pin 12: Vert output
    Pin 13: Power supply for vertical out
    (Also see note under LA7836 - SK10085/A>.)

    LA7850 - ECG7086

    TV/monitor deflection processor.
    Pin 1: Horiz trig in
    Pin 2: Phase adj time constant
    Pin 3: Sync pulse time constant
    Pin 4: FBP trig in
    Pin 5: Sawtooth gen cap
    Pin 6: Comp volt gen cap
    Pin 7: Afc out
    Pin 8: Horiz osc time constant
    Pin 9: Discharge res
    Pin 10: Vcc1
    Pin 11: Horiz width set
    Pin 12: Horz drive out
    Pin 13: X-ray protect in
    Pin 14: Ground
    Pin 15: Vert drive out
    Pin 16: sawtooth gen
    Pin 17: Mid point volt control in
    Pin 18: Vert osc time constant
    Pin 19: Vert trig in
    Pin 20: Vcc2

    LA7851 - ECG 7062

    Vertical Deflection Circuit/Sync/H V Osc/X-ray Prot.  Vcc = 12 V.  20 pin DIP.
    See LA7850 - ECG7086 for pinout (electrical specs
    may differ slightly).


    Dual Regulator, 14 pin dip.
    Pin 1: +Boost
    Pin 2: NC
    Pin 3: +Vin
    Pin 4: -Vin
    Pin 5: -Current Limit
    Pin 6: -Sense
    Pin 7: -Vout
    Pin 8: -Boost
    Pin 9: NC
    Pin 10: Reference
    Pin 11: GND
    Pin 12: NC
    Pin 13: +Current Limit
    Pin 14: +Sense


    Sync separator.
    Pin 1: Composite Sync (out)
    Pin 2: Composite Video (in)
    Pin 3: VSync (out)	
    Pin 4: GND		
    Pin 5: Burst/Back Porch (out)
    Pin 6: Reset
    Pin 7: Odd/Even (hi/lo) (out)
    Pin 8: Vcc

    Chip Pinouts Table of Contents.

    M to P


    Dual Audio Preamplifier by Mitsubishi Electronics.
    Pin 1: Input 2
    Pin 2: Feedback 2
    Pin 3: Output 2
    Pin 4: Ground
    Pin 5: V+
    Pin 6: Output 1
    Pin 7: Feedback 1
    Pin 8: Input 1

    M54543L - ECG1628

    VCR loading/bi-directional motor driver.
    (From: Deon Maree ( I think the M54544L is the same as
    the M54543L)
    Pin 1: Vcc
    Pin 2: Driver Vcc
    Pin 3: Output 2
    Pin 4: Input 1
    Pin 5: Ground
    Pin 6: Input 2
    Pin 7: Output 1
    Pin 8: Driver Vcc
    Pin 9: Vcc


    Switching power regulator.
    Pin 1: Voltage Feedback
    Pin 2: Switch Output
    Pin 3: Gnd - Heatsink
    Pin 4: Pwr Input
    Pin 5: Compensation


    Programmable 7 channel RC encoder.
    Pin 1: IP1
    Pin 2: IP2
    Pin 3: IP3
    Pin 4: IP4
    Pin 5: IP5
    Pin 6: IP6
    Pin 7: IP7
    Pin 8: GND
    Pin 9: FR RC
    Pin 10: OUT RC
    Pin 11: SER OP
    Pin 12: RANGE
    Pin 13: SET RES
    Pin 14: MPX CAP
    Pin 15: VREG
    Pin 16: VCC

    PA230, PA238 - ECG847

    Low level audio amp, 12V Vcc, 8 pin package (14 pin DIP outline).
    Pin 1: NC
    Pin 3: Vcc
    Pin 5: Compensation
    Pin 7: Output
    Pin 8: Gnd
    Pin 10: Inverting input
    Pin 12: Non inverting input
    Pin 14: NC

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    S to STK


    (From: Tony Duell (
    Pin 1: CDR (Right channel Damping capacitor) 
    Pin 2: DER (Right channel De-emphasis network)
    Pin 3: VRefR (Right channel reference)
    Pin 4: VssAR (Right channel analogue ground)
    Pin 5: VssA (Analogue ground)
    Pin 6: VssAL
    Pin 7: VRefL
    Pin 8: DEL
    Pin 9: CDL
    Pin 10: INTL (Left channel Integrator output)
    Pin 11: VddAL (Left channel +5V)
    Pin 12: OALI- (Left channel Op-amp Inverting input)
    Pin 13: OALI+ (Left channel Op-amp non-inverting input)
    Pin 14: OALO (Left channel Op-amp output)
    Pin 15: VddRef (+5V for reference)
    Pin 16: VRO (Voltage reference output)
    Pin 17: VRC (Voltage referece decoupling capacitor)
    Pin 18: Test4
    Pin 19: DAO (Serial data output (I2S) from the attenuator/clipper stage)
    Pin 20: CLO (Serial bit clock output)
    Pin 21: WSO (Word Select output)
    Pin 22: Vdd1 (+5V)
    Pin 23: Vdd2 (+5V)
    Pin 24: Xtal2 (Crystal oscillator connections 11.2896MHz)
    Pin 25: Xtal1
    Pin 26: Xsys (System clock output from this oscillator)
    Pin 27; Vss (ground)
    Pin 28: Vss
    Pin 29; Test1
    Pin 30: WSI (I2S Word Select Input)
    Pin 31: CLI (I2S Clock input)
    Pin 32: DAI (I2S Data Input)
    Pin 33: N/C
    Pin 34: DEC (Demphasis control input)
    Pin 35: Mute* (Active low mute input)
    Pin 36: Att* (When low, attenuate outputs by 12dB)
    Pin 37: Test2
    Pin 38: tes3
    Pin 39: VddA (Analogue +5V)
    Pin 40: OARO
    Pin 41: OARI+
    Pin 42: OARI-
    Pin 43: VddAR
    Pin 44: INTR
    Where signal names are uncommented, look for a similar name with L/R 
    swapped. It'll be the same signal in the other channel. 
    I2S input port is 16 bits, 44.1kHz. I2S output port is 4 times oversampled. 

    STK054 - ECG1028

    20 W Audio Amp.
    Pin 1 - -Vcc
    Pin 2 - Out
    Pin 3 - +Vcc
    Pin 4 - Bootstrap
    Pin 5 - NC
    Pin 6 - NC
    Pin 7 - FB
    Pin 8 - In
    Pin 9 - Gnd
    Pin 10 - NC


    Audio Power amp, 35 W, Vcc = +/- 30 V typical.
    Pin 1: Input
    Pin 2: Gnd
    Pin 3: Neg FB
    Pin 4: Vcc-
    Pin 5: Phase
    Pin 6: Vcc-
    Pin 7: Output
    Pin 8: Vcc+
    Pin 9: N/C
    Pin 10: Vcc+

    STK457/STK459 - ECG1330

    Dual AF PO, 15 W/channel, Vcc +/- 21 V typical. 16 pin SIP-M
    See the section: "STK461/STK463 - ECG1331" for pinout.  

    STK461/STK463 - ECG1331

    Dual AF PO, 25 W/channel, Vcc +/- 23 V typical. 16 pin SIP-M
    Pin 1:  Chan 1 input
    Pin 2:  Chan 1 feedback
    Pin 3:  Gnd
    Pin 4:  Chan 1 bias
    Pin 5:  -Vcc
    Pin 6:  Chan 1 feedback *
    Pin 7:  Chan 1 output
    Pin 8:  +Vcc
    Pin 9:  +Vcc
    Pin 10: Chan 2 output *
    Pin 11: Chan 2 feedback
    Pin 12: -Vcc
    Pin 13: Chan 2 bias
    Pin 14: Gnd
    Pin 15: Chan 2 feedback
    Pin 16: Chan 2 input

    (From: Anonymous, the following has not been verified.)

    * Pins 6 and 11 aren't feedback, they are the lower half of the class AB output stage. The upper half at pins 7 and 10 are correctly labelled.

    Also, pins 4 and 13 might well be bias, as described, but the Sanyo documented configuration shows they also do have speaker output (AC) feeding back through a 47uF current limiting capacitor, then through resistors 1k to -29V and 3.3k into pin 4 (or 13) to the base of the lower output stage(s), so they must also be feedback, perhaps in addition to bias?

    The above is also true for STK463, and the pinout is identical for the STK465 module also, so I don't know why that one isn't listed; it's the same circuit but for higher wattage.

    STK563F - ECG1732 - RCA #200750

    TV +135 V regulator and 4 watt AF output combination in a 12 pin SIP-M case. 
    Pin 1:  Positive DC input
    Pin 2:  Reg drive
    Pin 3:  NC
    Pin 4:  Negative DC input
    Pin 5:  NC
    Pin 6:  Reg voltage output
    Pin 7:  Bootstrap
    Pin 8:  Bias res
    Pin 9:  AF output
    Pin 10: Bypass
    Pin 11: Gnd
    Pin 12: AF input


    AF Power Amp, 50 W, Vcc = 36 V.
    Pin 1: Input pos(+)
    Pin 2: Vcc neg(-)
    Pin 3: Output
    Pin 4: NC
    Pin 5: NC
    Pin 6: NC
    Pin 7: NC
    Pin 8: Output
    Pin 9: Vcc pos(+)
    Pin 10: Input neg(-)

    STK0050II - ECG1334

    Mod AF PO, 60 W (ECG1334), Vcc = +/- 41 V typical, Rl = 8 ohms.  10 pin SIP-M.
    (Note: ECG1334 may not be exact mechanical or electrical match but according
    to ECG should work for applications.)
    Pin 1:  +Input
    Pin 2:  -Vcc
    Pin 3:  Output
    Pin 4:  Filter Cap
    Pin 5:  Phase Comp
    Pin 6:  Phase Comp
    Pin 7:  Filter Cap
    Pin 8:  Output
    Pin 9:  +Vcc
    Pin 10: -Input

    STK0070 - ECG1322

    See the section: "STK0080 - ECG1322".  Note: power and maximum Vcc may not
    be the same as for the STK0080 or ECG1322.

    STK0080 - ECG1322

    AF PO, 80 W (ECG1322), Vcc = +/- 46 V typical.  10 pin SIP-M.
    Pin 1:  Input +
    Pin 2:  Vss -
    Pin 3:  Output
    Pin 4:  NC
    Pin 5:  NC
    Pin 6:  NC
    Pin 7:  NC
    Pin 8:  Output
    Pin 9:  Vss +
    Pin 10: Input -

    STK0070II - ECG1335

    See the section: "STK0080II - ECG1335".  Note: power and maximum Vcc may not
    be the same as for the STK0080II or ECG1335.

    STK0080II - ECG1335

    AF PO, 80 W (ECG1335), Vcc = +/- 47 V typical, RL = 8 ohms.  10 pin SIP-M.
    Pin 1:  Input +
    Pin 2:  Vss -
    Pin 3:  Output
    Pin 4:  Filter cap
    Pin 5:  Phase comp
    Pin 6:  Phase comp
    Pin 7:  Filter cap
    Pin 8:  Output
    Pin 9:  Vss +
    Pin 10: Input -

    STK4044V - ECG1882

    AF PO.  100 W, Vcc, +/-51V max.  15 pin SIPP.
    Pin 1:  Input
    Pin 2:  NFB (whatever that is)
    Pin 3:  Substrate 
    Pin 4:  Bias
    Pin 5:  Bypass
    Pin 6:  Test Point
    Pin 7:  I Adjust
    Pin 8:  Compensation
    Pin 9:  Emitter Bypass
    Pin 10: I Adjust
    Pin 11: Compensation
    Pin 12: V(-)
    Pin 13: Output
    Pin 14: V(+)
    Pin 15: Bootstrap

    STK4101II - ECG1816

    Audio Power Amp, 6 W, 8 ohms, Vcc = +/- 13.2 V, 18 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STK4171V/STK4181V/STK4191V - ECG1317" for pinout.


    Dual AF PO, 20W/Ch, Dual Power Supply, Vcc=+/- 23V typ.  18-pin SIP.
    Pin 1: Input 2
    Pin 2: NFB2
    Pin 3: GND 1
    Pin 4: Feedback
    Pin 5: I Bias 1
    Pin 6: Muting
    Pin 7: Mute Adjust
    Pin 8: Mute T Cap
    Pin 9: Power GND 1
    Pin 10: Output 1
    Pin 11: (+) Vcc
    Pin 12: Bootstrap
    Pin 13: Output 2
    Pin 14: Power GND 2
    Pin 15: I Bias 2
    Pin 16: GND
    Pin 17: NFB 2
    Pin 18: Input 2.

    STK4131II - ECG1817

    Audio Power Amp, 20 W, 8 ohms, Vcc = +/- 22 V, 18 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STK4171V/STK4181V/STK4191V - ECG1317" for pinout.

    STK4141II/STK4142II - ECG1818

    Audio Power Amp, 25 W, 8 ohms, Vcc = +/- 26 V, 18 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STK4171V/STK4181V/STK4191V - ECG1317" for pinout.

    STK4152II - ECG1819

    Audio Power Amp, 30 W, 8 ohms, Vcc = +/- 27.5 V, 18 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STK4171V/STK4181V/STK4191V - ECG1317" for pinout.

    STK4161II - ECG1315

    Audio Power Amp, 35 W, 8 ohms, Vcc = +/- 30 V, 18 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STK4171V/STK4181V/STK4191V - ECG1317" for pinout.

    STK4171II/STK4181II/STK4191II - ECG1316

    Audio Power Amp, 50 W, 8 ohms, Vcc = +/- 35 V, 18 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STK4171V/STK4181V/STK4191V - ECG1317" for pinout.

    STK4171V/STK4181V/STK4191V - ECG1317

    Audio Power Amp, 50 W, 8 ohms, Vcc = +/- 35.5 V, 18 pin SIP.
    Pin 1: Left channel input (-)
    Pin 2: Left channel input (+)
    Pin 3: Compensation
    Pin 4: Compensation
    Pin 5: Compensation
    Pin 6: Muting
    Pin 7: Compensation
    Pin 8: Compensation
    Pin 9: -Vcc
    Pin 10: Left channel Output
    Pin 11: +Vcc
    Pin 12: Bypass
    Pin 13: Right channel output
    Pin 14: -Vcc
    Pin 15: Compensation
    Pin 16: Gnd
    Pin 17: Right channel input (+)
    Pin 18: Right channel input (-)


    Dual AF PO, 50 W/Ch, dual power supply.  Vcc = +/-52.5V max.
    Pin 1: Input 1
    Pin 2: NFB 1
    Pin 3: Gnd 1
    Pin 4: Feedback
    Pin 5: Input Bias 1
    Pin 6: Mute
    Pin 7: Mute Adjust
    Pin 8: Mute T Cap
    Pin 9: Power Gnd
    Pin 10: Output 1
    Pin 11: Vcc
    Pin 12: Bootstrap
    Pin 13: Output 2
    Pin 14: Power Gnd 2
    Pin 15: Input Bias 2
    Pin 16: Gnd 2
    Pin 17: NFB 2
    Pin 18: Input 2.

    STK5633 - ECG1742

    130 volt regulator.
    Pin 1: DC input (case)
    Pin 2: Base
    Pin 3: Common
    Pin 4: Output

    STK6982B - ECG1736

    Four phase constant current step motor driver.  Vcc: 24 V, Il: 1.5 A typ. 
    18 pin SIP.
    Pin 1: Vcc
    Pin 2: Motor A common
    Pin 3: Diode
    Pin 4: Motor A
    Pin 5: Input A
    Pin 6: Motor A low
    Pin 7: Low Input A
    Pin 8: Re1
    Pin 9: V ref
    Pin 10: Ground
    Pin 11: V ref
    Pin 12: Re2
    Pin 13: Motor B
    Pin 14: Input B
    Pin 15: Moto B low
    Pin 16: Low B Input
    Pin 17: Motor B common
    Pin 18: Pause

  • Back to Chip Pinouts Table of Contents.


    STR380 - ECG1548

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 123 V, 1 A.
    See the section: "STR381 - ECG1546" for pinout.

    STR382 - ECG1553

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 127 V, 1 A.
    See the section: "STR381 - ECG1546" for pinout.

    STR381 - ECG1546

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 130 V, 1 A.  TO3 3 pin.
    Pin 1: +DC Input
    Pin 2: Output
    Pin 3: Common
    Pin 4: Base
    Bottom view:
                3 o   
            4 o       o 2
            Base    Output
    Case is input - probably about 160 V.
    Base is probably nearly the same as output.

    STR11006 - ECG7092

    Pin 1: V out/sense
    Pin 2: Base drive
    Pin 3: Input
    Pin 4: Ground
    Pin 5: Current detect

    STR30115 - ECG1896

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 115 V, 1 A.  5 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STR30135 - ECG1778" for pinout.

    STR30120 - ECG1839

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 120 V, 1 A.  5 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STR30135 - ECG1778" for pinout.

    STR30123 - ECG1776

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 123 V, 1 A.  5 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STR30135 - ECG1778" for pinout.

    STR30125 - ECG1897

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 125 V, 1 A.  5 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STR30135 - ECG1778" for pinout.

    STR30130 - ECG1777

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 130 V, 1 A.  5 pin SIP.
    See the section: "STR30135 - ECG1778" for pinout.

    STR30135 - ECG1778

    Hybrid TV Voltage Regulator, 135 V, 1 A.  5 pin SIP.
    Pin 1: Common
    Pin 2: Base
    Pin 3: +DC Input
    Pin 4: Output
    Pin 5: NC
    Note: Pins 3 and 4 are the collector and emitter of the output transistor in a darlington configuration. Pins 2 and 4 are the two base emitter junctions in of the darlington pair.

    STR50041A - ECG1894

    TV Voltage regulator, 41.8 V, 1.1 A.  5 lead formed SIP.
    Pin 1: Vout sense
    Pin 2: Base drive
    Pin 3: Input
    Pin 4: Common
    Pin 5: Soft start

    STR51041 - ECG1895

    TV Voltage regulator, 41.8 V, 1.1 A.  5 lead formed SIP.
    See the section: "STR54041 - ECG1796" for pinout.

    STR53041 - ECG1840

    TV Voltage regulator, 41.8 V.  5 lead formed SIP.
    See the section: "STR54041 - ECG1796" for pinout.

    STR53043 - ECG1841

    TV Voltage regulator, 43 V.  5 lead formed SIP.
    See the section: "STR54041 - ECG1796" for pinout.

    STR54041 - ECG1796

    TV Voltage regulator, 114.5 V.  5 lead formed SIP.
    Pin 1: Vout sense
    Pin 2: Base drive
    Pin 3: Input
    Pin 4: Common
    Pin 5: Vout control


    This is a 103 volt regulator typically used in live chassis TV SMPS.
    Pin 1: Collector of chopper (NPN)
    Pin 2: Base
    Pin 3: Ground
    Pin 4: Emitter
    Pin 5: B+ adjust (if required)


    Hybrid voltage regulator, output 115 V.
    Pin 1: V out sense
    Pin 2: Base drive
    Pin 3: Input
    Pin 4: Common
    Pin 5: V out control


    The STR80145 is used in computer monitors. It is called a "Hybrid
    Auto-Switch Module-Doubler". It allows monitors to operate at 110v or 220v
    without having to use a selector switch. At 220v AC the IC allows the
    bridge rectifier to function normally and pass the rectified AC to the
    filter caps, at 110v AC the bridge rectifier voltage is sent to this IC to
    be doubled to the equivalent of the 220v operation, automatically. The
    rest of the circuit operates as if the input were 220v AC.
    Pin 1: Delay
    Pin 2: T1
    Pin 3: T2
    Pin 4: Gate
    Pin 5: Common 

  • Back to Chip Pinouts Table of Contents.



    Audio Preamp.
    Pin 1: Preamp Res
    Pin 2: Input
    Pin 3: Feedback
    Pin 4: Gnd
    Pin 5: Bypass
    Pin 6: Output
    Pin 7: Vcc

    TA7136AP - ECG1464

    Audio Preamplifier IC, Vcc = +/- 15v typical, Vg - 92 dB, 7 pin SIP.
    Pin 1: Feedback
    Pin 2: Input
    Pin 3: Feedback
    Pin 4: (-)Vcc
    Pin 5: Bias
    Pin 6: Output
    Pin 7: (+)Vcc

    TA7203 - ECG1154

    AF Power Output, 2 Channel, 2 W/channel, 14 pin DIP-W, Vcc = 14 V typical:
    Pin 1: Decoupling
    Pin 2: Decoupling
    Pin 3: Ch 2 in
    Pin 4: Feedback Ch 2
    Pin 5: Phase compensation
    Pin 6: Phase compensation
    Pin 7: Ch 2 out
    Pin 8: Vcc
    Pin 8: Ch 1 out
    Pin 10: Phase compensation
    Pin 11: Phase compensation
    Pin 12: Feedback Ch 1
    Pin 13: Ch 1 in
    Pin 14: GND

    TA7204 - ECG1153

    AF Power Output, 4.2 W, 10 pin SIP HS, Vcc 12.5 V typical.
    Pin 1: GND
    Pin 2: AF out
    Pin 3: Vcc
    Pin 4: Bypass
    Pin 5: Feedback
    Pin 6: Feedback
    Pin 7: Bypass
    Pin 8: Feedback
    Pin 8: Input bypass
    Pin 10: AF input

    TA7222AP - ECG1278

    AF PO 5.8 W.  10 pin SIP-HS.
    Pin 1: Vcc
    Pin 2: Ripple reject
    Pin 3: Muting control
    Pin 4: AF signal input
    Pin 5: FB filter
    Pin 6: Gain adjust
    Pin 7: GND 
    Pin 8: GND
    Pin 9: AF output
    Pin 10: Bootstrap

    TA7267 - ECG7064

    VCR loading/Bidirectional motor driver, 1 A. Vcc = 18 V (typical).
    I would expect the normal output voltage to be close to whatever you have
    for Vcc (just a guess).
    Pin 1: In 1
    Pin 2: In 2
    Pin 3: Out 1
    Pin 4: Ground
    Pin 5: Out 2
    Pin 6: Ve
    Pin 7: Vcc


    Bidirectional motor driver.
    Pin 1: In 1
    Pin 2: Vcc
    Pin 3: Out 2
    Pin 4: NC
    Pin 5: GND
    Pin 6: Vs
    Pin 7: Out 1
    Pin 8: Vref
    Pin 9: In 1
    Not sure if the second (or first) In1 is a typo - this is from ECG7043.

    TA7313AP - ECG1465

    AP PO, .5 W, 8 ohms, Vcc = 6 V (typical), 9 pin SIP.
    Pin 1: Hi Freq Comp
    Pin 2: Input
    Pin 3: Feedback
    Pin 4: Hi Freq Comp
    Pin 5: GND
    Pin 6: Out
    Pin 7: Vcc
    Pin 8: Bootstrap
    Pin 9: Ripple Filter


    Speaker protection IC:
    Pin 1: Power on-off detection/Over current detection  (typical voltage -0.6V)
    Pin 2: Direct voltage detection input (Typical voltage 0V)
    Pin 3: Gnd
    Pin 4: Gnd
    Pin 5: Substrate (Typical voltage -0.8V)
    Pin 6: Relay drive output/Typical voltage low 0.9v
    Pin 7: Gnd
    Pin 8: Muting circuit/Typical voltage 2.8v
    Pin 9: Regulator input/Typical voltage 2.8v
    This IC senses over current or a DC offset on the output to the speakers.
    In the event of a offset it will operate a relay to remove any connection
    between the amp and speakers so to prevent DC flowing through the speakers
    and damage them.

    TA7559P - ECG778A

    Dual op-amp.
    Pin 1: Output one
    Pin 2: Invert input 1
    Pin 3: Noninvert input 1
    Pin 4: V neg.
    Pin 5: Noninvert input 2
    Pin 6: Invert input 2
    Pin 7: Output 2
    Pin 8: V pos.

    TA75902P - ECG987

    Quad op-amp.
    Pin 1: Out 1
    Pin 2: -In 1
    Pin 3: +In 1
    Pin 4: +Vcc
    Pin 5: +In 2
    Pin 6: -In 2
    Pin 7: Out 2
    Pin 8: Out 3
    Pin 9: -In 3
    Pin 10: +In 3
    Pin 11: . (I assume -Vcc or Ground?)
    Pin 12: +In 4
    Pin 13: -In 4
    Pin 14: Out 4

    TA8201AK - ECG1832*

    * May not be identical mechanical or electrical equivalent but should work
    in majority of applications (!!).
    12 W, AF PO.  Vcc = 13.2 V, RL = 4 ohms.  7 pin inline.
    Pin 1: Input
    Pin 2: NFB
    Pin 3: Ripple rejection
    Pin 4: Gnd
    Pin 5: Out 2
    Pin 6: Vcc
    Pin 7: Out 1.

    TAA611A12 - ECG1113

    2.1 W Audio Amp, 15 V Vs max. Rl = 8 ohms. 14 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: Bootstrap
    Pin 2: NC
    Pin 3: Frequency Compensation
    Pin 4: Frequency Compensation
    Pin 5: Feedback
    Pin 6: NC
    Pin 7: Input 
    Pin 8: Ground
    Pin 9: NC
    Pin 10: Ground
    Pin 11: NC
    Pin 12: Output
    Pin 13: NC
    Pin 14: Vs


    Dual op amp.
    Pin 1:	+In A
    Pin 2:	-In A
    Pin 3:	V+
    Pin 4:	-In B
    Pin 5:	+In B
    Pin 6:	Out B
    Pin 7:	V-
    Pin 8: 	Out A


    (From: Kim (
    Interface IC for I/O Port Extension from Toshiba.
    It is used for extension of output of digital tuning system controller LSIs,
    TC9301AN/ 02AF/ 03AN.
    Maximum Ratings (Ta=25 degree C)
    Supply Voltage (Vdd) = -0.3 ~ 7.0 V
    Input Voltage (Vin) = -0.3 ~ Vdd+0.3 V
    Allowable Power Dissipation (Pd) = 600 mW
    Output Voltage (Vout) = 20 V
    Pin 1: GND			Pin 16: Vdd
    Pin 2: Output Port (OP)-1	Pin 15: Strobe Signal Input (STB)
    Pin 3: OP-2			Pin 14: Clock Signal Input (CK)
    Pin 4: OP-3			Pin 13: Serial Data Input (SI)
    Pin 5: OP-4			Pin 12: Serial Data Output (SO)
    Pin 6: OP-5			Pin 11: OP-10
    Pin 7: OP-6			Pin 10: OP-9
    Pin 8: OP-7			Pin 9:  OP-8

    TDA1170 - ECG1289

    TV Vertical deflection system IC.
    Pin 1: Ramp Out
    Pin 2: Vcc
    Pin 3: Flyback
    Tab 1: Gnd
    Pin 4: Amp Out
    Pin 5: Vs
    Pin 6: Vreg Out
    Pin 7: Height Adj
    Pin 8: Sync in
    Pin 9: Osc.
    Tab 2:  Gnd
    Pin 10: Amp Im
    Pin 11: Comp
    Pin 12: Ramp Gen

    Vertical output IC, PowerDIP16, supply voltage +35 volts max, +10 V min.
    Pin 1: Ramp out, 1 V
    Pin 2: Supply voltage
    Pin 3: Flyback
    Pin 4: Ground and heatsink
    Pin 5: Ground and heatsink
    Pin 6: Power amplifier output
    Pin 7: Power amp supply voltage, range -0.5 to +10 V
    Pin 8: Reg voltage, +6.7 volts
    Pin 9: Height Adjustment
    Pin 10: Sync input
    Pin 11: Oscillator
    Pin 12: Ground and heatsink
    Pin 13: Ground and heatsink
    Pin 14: Amp input, 2.27 volts
    Pin 15: Compensation
    Pin 16: Ramp generator


    (From: Tony Duell (
    Pin 1: Latch Enable(split mode)/Word Select(multiplexed modes)
    Pin 2: Bit clock input
    Pin 3: Data input (left chanel data in split mode)
    Pin 4: Right channel data in split mode, otherwise not used.
    Pin 5: Analogue Ground
    Pin 6: Right channel audio output
    Pin 7-13: Decoupling.  Connect to ground via separate 0.1 uF cap on each pin.
    Pin 14: Digital ground
    Pin 15: -15V supply
    Pin 16,17: Oscillator capacitor (connect 470pF between these 2 pins)
    Pin 18-24: Decoupling (7 more 0.1 uF capacitors)
    Pin 25: Left channel audio output
    Pin 26: -5V supply
    Pin 27: Digital mode select input
    Pin 28: +5V
    Pin 27 = -5V:  Separate channel data streams on pins 3 and 4. Pin 1 = latch
    Pin 27 = 0V:  Time multiplexed offset binary data on pin 3. Pin 1 = word select
                  (low = left, high = right)
    Pin 27 = +5V: Time multiplexed 2's complement data on pin 3. Pin 1 = word 
                  select again.

    TDA1670A/TDA1675 - ECG1862

    TV vertical deflection output, 35 V max Vs, 15 pin SIP-HS.
    Pin 1: Amp output
    Pin 2: Amp supply
    Pin 3: Osc
    Pin 4: Osc
    Pin 5: Sync in
    Pin 6: Osc
    Pin 7: Height adj
    Pin 8: Gnd
    Pin 9: Ramp generator
    Pin 10: Ramp out
    Pin 11: Amp in +
    Pin 12: Amp in -
    Pin 13: Blanking out
    Pin 14: Vs
    Pin 15: Flyback


    Pin 1: Blank ouput
    Pin 2: +supply
    Pin 3: Flyback
    Pin 4: NC
    Pin 5: Ground
    Pin 6: Ground
    Pin 7: Ampl out
    Pin 8: Ampl supply
    Pin 9: Osc
    Pin 10: Osc
    Pin 11: Sync input
    Pin 12: Osc
    Pin 13: NC
    Pin 14: Height adj
    Pin 15: Ground
    Pin 16: Ground
    Pin 17: Ramp generator
    Pin 18: Ramp out
    Pin 19: Ampl in+
    Pin 20: Ampl in-

    TDA1905 - ECG7000

    AF PO, 5W, Vcc = 14 V, Rl = 4 ohms.
    Pin 1: Out
    Pin 2: Vcc
    Pin 3: Bootstrap
    Pin 4: Threshold
    Pin 5: Muting
    Pin 6: Invert In
    Pin 7: Svr
    Pin 8: Non-Inverting In
    Pin 9-16: Ground 

    TDA2003 - ECG1288

    10 W AF Power Amp.  TO220 5 Pin.
    Pin 1: + In
    Pin 2: - In
    Pin 3: Gnd
    Pin 4: Out
    Pin 5: V+

    TDA2005 - ECG1396

    20 Watt bridge amp for car radio, manufactured by SGS-Thomson.
    Pin 1:  Input 1 (+)
    Pin 2:  Input 1 (-)
    Pin 3:  Svrr
    Pin 4:  Input 2 (-)
    Pin 5:  Input 2 (+)
    Pin 6:  Ground
    Pin 7:  Bootstrap 2
    Pin 8:  Output 2
    Pin 9:  +Vs
    Pin 10: Output 1
    Pin 11: Bootstrap 1

    TDA2040 - ECG1376

    AF PO 22 W, Vcc = 32 V, Rl = 4 ohms.
    Pin 1: -In
    Pin 2: +In
    Pin 3: -Vs
    Pin 4: Out
    Pin 5: +Vs
    Pin 3 connected to case.

    TDA2577 - ECG1632

    Horizontal, Vertical Oscillator, Sync, Driver. Vcc1 = 12 V typical.
    Pin 1: Vertical Drive Out
    Pin 2: Vertical Feedback
    Pin 3: Vertical Frrequency Adj
    Pin 4: Vertical Sync Sep
    Pin 5: Video Input
    Pin 6: Horizontal Sync Sep
    Pin 7: Horizontal Sync Sep
    Pin 8: Slow Phse Det
    Pin 9: Ground
    Pin 10: Vcc
    Pin 11: Horizontal Drive Out
    Pin 12: Horizontal Flyback Input
    Pin 13: Mute Out
    Pin 14: Phase Det.
    Pin 15: Horizontal Frequency Adjust
    Pin 16: Start Circuit Stab
    Pin 17: Sandcastle Out
    Pin 18: Coincidence Det
    Aside from those that have obvious meanings, I do not know what the
    other signals do.


    Synchronisation circuit with vertical oscillator and driver stages.
    Pin 1: Vertical Drive output 
    Pin 2: Veritcal feedback (e.g. from sense components, bottom of yoke circuit) 
    Pin 3: Vertical oscillator timing components
    Pin 4: Vertical sync separator R/C network
    Pin 5: Video input
    Pin 6: Horizontal sync separator input
    Pin 7: Sync slicer output (connnect to 6 via RC network)
    Pin 8: Slow (horizontal) phase detector RC timing components
    Pin 9: Ground
    Pin 10: +12V
    Pin 11: Horizontal Drive output
    Pin 12: Horizontal flyback pulse input
    Pin 13: Mute and 50/60Hz indentification
    Pin 14: Phase detector 2 timing capacitor
    Pin 15: Horizontal oscillator timing components
    Pin 16: Startup current input
    Pin 17: Sandcastle pulse output
    Pin 18: Coincidence detector timing capacitor


    Chroma Control Circuit.
    Pin 1:  Red Signal Out
    Pin 2:  Storage Cap Cutoff Green
    Pin 3:  Green Signal Out
    Pin 4:  Storage Cap Cutoff Blue
    Pin 5:  Blue Signal Out
    Pin 6:  Vcc
    Pin 7:  Storage Cap Blue
    Pin 8:  Storage Cap Green
    Pin 9:  Storage Cap Red
    Pin 10: Sandcastle Pules In
    Pin 11: Signal Switch In
    Pin 12: B Signal In
    Pin 13: G Signal In
    Pin 14: R Signal In
    Pin 15: Y Signal In
    Pin 16: Sat Control Voltage
    Pin 17: R-Y In
    Pin 18: B-Y In
    Pin 19: Contrast Control Voltage In
    Pin 20: Brightness Control Voltage In
    Pin 21: White Point Adjust Blue
    Pin 22: White Point Adjust Green
    Pin 23: White Point Adjust Red
    Pin 24: GND
    Pin 25: Beam Current Control In
    Pin 26: Auto Cutoff Control In
    Pin 27: Storage Cap Leakage Current
    Pin 28: Storage Cap Cutoff Red

    TDA3654 - ECG1754

    TV vertical deflection, 26 V typ.
    9 pin SIL (the TDA3654Q has the pins bent to a sort of 'DIL' pinout - either
    can be easily converted to the other shape).
    Pin 1: Vertical drive input
    Pin 2: Ground
    Pin 3: Vertical drive input (may be linked to pin 1)
    Pin 4: Ground
    Pin 5: Output
    Pin 6: Output stage power (Diode to V+, capacitor between 6 and 8)
    Pin 7: Protection (to shut down CRT if sacn fails)
    Pin 8: Flyback (capacitor to pin 6)
    Pin 9: V+ (supply voltage)

    TDA4190 - ECG1633

    TV sound IF, tone, volume, FM detector, preamp, Po = 4 W, Rl = 16 ohms,
    Vs = 24 V typical.  20 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: Turn iff muting
    Pin 2: Sound IF input
    Pin 3: IF decoupling/VCR switch
    Pin 4: IF decoupling/VCR switch
    Pin 5: Gnd
    Pin 6: Gnd
    Pin 7: Detector (FM)
    Pin 8: Detector (FM)
    Pin 9: De-emphasis/Aux output
    Pin 10: VCR input/output
    Pin 11: Tone control capacitor
    Pin 12: Tone control
    Pin 13: Volume control
    Pin 14: DC VC output
    Pin 15: Gnd
    Pin 16: Gnd
    Pin 17: AF output
    Pin 18: Vcc
    Pin 19: AF PA feedback
    Pin 20: AF PA input


    Video-If-Amplifier for color and monochrome television receiver.
    Manufactured by Telefunken electronics.  Vs = 10 to 15 V.
    Pin 1: Input
    Pin 2: NC
    Pin 3: Gnd
    Pin 4: Decoupling (connect to an electrolitic capacitor).
    Pin 5: To Tuner
    Pin 6: Tuner control
    Pin 7: Gating pulse
    Pin 8,9: 38.9 MHz tank
    Pin 10: NC
    Pin 11: Negative video output
    Pin 12: Positive Video output
    Pin 13: Vs
    Pin 14: NC
    Pin 15: Gnd
    Pin 16: Input


    Multistandard Color Convertor.
    Pin 1:  (R-Y) Out
    Pin 2:  SECAM (R-Y) De-emph
    Pin 3:  (B-Y) Out
    Pin 4:  SECAM (B-Y) Ref In
    Pin 5:  SECAM (B-Y) Ref Out
    Pin 6:  SECAM (B-Y) De-emph
    Pin 7:  SECAM (R-Y) Ref Out
    Pin 8:  SECAM (R-Y) Ref In
    Pin 9:  GND
    Pin 10: Delay Chroma Signal In
    Pin 11: DC Ref Delay Line
    Pin 12: Out Chroma S/D Line
    Pin 13: Vcc
    Pin 14: Work PT Con Chroma Amp
    Pin 15: Chroma Signal In
    Pin 16: ACC
    Pin 17: Hue Control/Service Switch
    Pin 18: Phase Control Osc
    Pin 19: Crystal for Osc
    Pin 20: NTSC ID
    Pin 21: PAL/SECAM ID
    Pin 22: SECAM ID Ref
    Pin 23: SECAM ID Sel
    Pin 24: Sandcastle In
    Pin 25: Switch Voltage In/Out NTSC 4.4
    Pin 26: Switch Voltage In/Out NTSC 3.5 
    Pin 27: Switch Voltage In/Out SECAM
    Pin 28: Switch Voltage In/Out PAL


    SMPS controller.  Vcc = 15 V typ.
    Pin 1: Reference
    Pin 2: Zero detection
    Pin 3: Feedback
    Pin 4: Sawtooth Generator
    Pin 5: Shutdown
    Pin 6: Gnd
    Pin 7: Sink output
    Pin 8: Source output
    Pin 9: Vcc


    SMPS controller.
    Pin 1: Regulation input
    Pin 2: Primary current simulation
    Pin 3: Primary voltage monitoring
    Pin 4: Gnd
    Pin 5: Output
    Pin 6: Supply voltage
    Pin 7: Soft-start
    Pin 8: Zero crossing detector


    (From: Alex Suhisky (
      and  Peter Radlberger (
    Television IF amplifier and demodulator.
    Supply voltage (pin 11)                         - 12V,
    Video output voltage (peak-to-peak, pin 12)     - 2.7 V
    AFC output voltage swing (peak-to-peak, pin 5)	- 10 V
    Pin 1:  Balanced IF input
    Pin 2:  IF amplifier decoupling
    Pin 3:  Tuner AGC starting point adjustment
    Pin 4:  Tuner AGC output
    Pin 5:  AFC output
    Pin 6:  AFC on/off switch and sample-and-hold capacitor
    Pin 7:  Reference carrier pi/2 rad.phase shift
    Pin 8:  IF picture carrier passive regeneration
    Pin 9:  IF picture carrier passive regeneration
    Pin 10: Reference carrier pi/2 rad.phase shift
    Pin 11: Positive supply (Vcc)
    Pin 12: Video output
    Pin 13: Gnd (Vee)
    Pin 14: IF AGC capacitor and VCR switch
    Pin 15: IF amplifier decoupling
    Pin 16: Balanced IF input


    Pin 1: R1
    Pin 2: C2
    Pin 3: Phase comparater out
    Pin 4: Horizontal TTL in
    Pin 5: C5
    Pin 6: H power Gnd
    Pin 7: H out
    Pin 8: H playback
    Pin 9: Phase comparator out
    Pin 10: H phase adjust
    Pin 11: Substrate digital Gnd
    Pin 12: V frequency preset
    Pin 13: C13
    Pin 14: V TTL in
    Pin 15: V ramp out
    Pin 16: V amplifier adjust
    Pin 17: V linearity adjust
    Pin 18: Linear output
    Pin 19: Vertical reference
    Pin 20: Vs

    TEA2037A - ECG1888

    Horizontal/Vertical deflection output, Vcc = 14 V. 16 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: Frame osc
    Pin 2: Flyback generator
    Pin 3: Frame flyback
    Pin 4: Gnd
    Pin 5: Gnd
    Pin 6: INPUT Inverse
    Pin 7: Frame power supply
    Pin 8: Frame OUTPUT      
    Pin 9: Line Osc.
    Pin: 10: Phase Detector
    Pin: 11: Flyback
    Pin: 12: Gnd
    Pin: 13: Gnd
    Pin: 14: Output Line
    Pin: 15: Input Video
    Pin: 16: +Vcc


    Coded locking circuit for security systems.
    (From: Paul Grohe (
    Vs 7V max, Is 1.8-3.2 mA, 8 V zener across supply pins!!!
    Pin 1: Gnd
    Pin 2: Cosc 	Ocsillator capacior to Vp ~1nF
    Pin 3: S2	Output 2	Open collector, active low
    Pin 4: S1	Output 1	      "
    Pin 5: E10
    Pin 6: E9
    Pin 7: E8
    Pin 8: E7
    Pin 9: E6
    Pin 10: E5
    Pin 11: E4
    Pin 12: E3
    Pin 13: E2
    Pin 14: E1
    Pin 15: DATA	Data input
    Pin 16: Vp	Pos. supply
    Encoder: Pin 15 to Vp, Output: tie pins 3&4 together, this is your 
    output, open collector. E1-E10 set code (connect to either Vp or gnd). 
    Key V+ to transmit.
    Decoder, pin 15 to Vp, E1-E10 set code, pins 3&4 open collector outputs 
    active when code matches. Third unsucessfull try disables input! (three 
    strikes and your out!) 
    Illegal codes are E1-E10=High or E1-E9=High with E10=low.

    TL494 - ECG1729

    Pulse width modulator control circuit.  Vcc = 15 V typical.  16 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: Non-inverted in
    Pin 2: Inverted in
    Pin 3: Feedback
    Pin 4: Dead time control
    Pin 5: CT
    Pin 6: RT
    Pin 7: Ground
    Pin 8: Collector 1
    Pin 9: Emitter 1
    Pin 10: Emitter 2
    Pin 11: Collector 2
    Pin 12: Vcc
    Pin 13: Output control
    Pin 14: Vref
    Pin 15: Inverted in
    Pin 16: Non-inverted in

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    U to Z

    UA78GU(1C) - ECG953

    Adjustable regulator, 5 to 30 V, 1 A.
                   | O | <-Common (heatsink tab)
                   |   |
    Pin 1: Common
    Pin 2: Input
    Pin 3: Output
    Pin 4: Control

    UA2240CN - ECG893 - SK7712

    Programmable Timer/Counter.  Vcc = 5 V typ.
    Pin 1:  Fo (out)
    Pin 2:  Fo/2 (out)
    Pin 3:  Fo/4 (out)
    Pin 4:  Fo/8 (out)
    Pin 5:  Fo/16 (out)
    Pin 6:  Fo/32 (out)
    Pin 7:  Fo/64 (out)
    Pin 8:  Fo/128 (out)
    Pin 9:  Ground
    Pin 10: Reset
    Pin 11: Trigger
    Pin 12: Mod/sync
    Pin 13: Timing/rc network
    Pin 14: Time-base (out)
    Pin 15: Regulator (out)
    Pin 16: Vcc


    Switchmode power supply controller.  8 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: Comp
    Pin 2: Vfb
    Pin 3: Isen
    Pin 4: Rt/Ct
    Pin 5: Gnd
    Pin 6: Out
    Pin 7: Vcc
    Pin 8: Ref (+5)


    Pin 1: Load supply
    Pin 2: Enable(A)
    Pin 3: Phase(A)
    Pins 4-7: Gnd
    Pin 8: Out(1A)
    Pin 9: Out(2A)
    Pin 10: V(ea)
    Pin 11: V(eb)
    Pin 12: Out(2B)
    Pin 13: Out(1B)
    Pin 14-17: Gnd
    Pin 18: Phase (B)
    Pin 19: Enable (B)
    Pin 20: Logic supply

    ULN2003A - ECG2013

    7 Input Darlington Driver 500mA
    Pin 1: In 1
    Pin 2: In 2
    Pin 3: In 3
    Pin 4: In 4
    Pin 5: In 5
    Pin 6: In 6
    Pin 7: In 7
    Pin 8: Gnd
    Pin 9: Common connection point for the cathodes of the internal free
           wheeling diodes connected to each driver output.
    Pin 10: Out 7
    Pin 11: Out 6
    Pin 12: Out 5
    Pin 13: Out 4
    Pin 14: Out 3
    Pin 15: Out 2
    Pin 16: Out 1


    Pin 1: Decoupling
    Pin 2: Power Ground
    Pin 3: Signal Ground
    Pin 4: Output
    Pin 5: Vcc
    Pin 6: N/C
    Pin 7: N/C
    Pin 8: Input


    Pin 1: Non-inverting input
    Pin 2: Inverting input
    Pin 3: Substrate/-Vs
    Pin 4: Output
    Pin 5: +Vs

    uPA53C - ECG2084

    5 Input Darlington Driver, 500mA.
    Pin 1:  NC
    Pin 2:  In 1
    Pin 3:  In 2
    Pin 4:  In 3
    Pin 5:  In 4
    Pin 6:  In 5
    Pin 7:  Gnd
    Pin 8:  NC
    Pin 9:  Out 5
    Pin 10: Out 4
    Pin 11: Out 3
    Pin 12: Out 2
    Pin 13: Out 1
    Pin 14: NC


    Quad Comparator.
    Pin 1:  Output 1
    Pin 2:  Output 2
    Pin 3:  Vcc
    Pin 4:  Neg input 2
    Pin 5:  + input 2
    Pin 6:  - input 1
    Pin 7:  + input 1
    Pin 8:  - input 3
    Pin 9:  + input 3
    Pin 10: - input 4
    Pin 11: + input 4
    Pin 12: Gnd
    Pin 14: Output 3
    Pin 13: Output 4

    uPC1238 - ECG1378

    AF Power Out, 10W, Vcc = 12V typ.  TO220, 5 pin.
    Pin 1: Non-inverting input
    Pin 2: Inverting input
    Pin 3: -Vcc
    Pin 4: Output
    Pin 5: +Vcc


    8 pin DIP.
    Pin 1: Chip enable	
    Pin 2: Serial clock
    Pin 3: Data input
    Pin 4: Data output
    Pin 5: Vcc
    Pin 6: Store
    Pin 7: Recall
    Pin 8: Vss

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    -- end V2.23c --